I was looking at my journal back in October. Seeing the desires of my heart fullfied with this new baby, and other areas blew me away. I Hope that I am one step closer at trusting God with my life and many steps further away from thinking the worst will always happen.
29 weeks is...lots of braxton and hicks, constant stuffy noses and weird sinus stuff. my body is soooo heavy, but then again, I was this weight about 4 weeks ahead last pregnancy. I am not gaining too much. This time last baby I was already 45 pounds weight gain...because I only lost 35 of the 65 I am trying to be SUPER good. My blood sugar test wasn't good, so I am going to the three our test next week. Diabetes is all over the place in my family and I shouldn't be surprised if I have gestational diabetes with being heavy and being predisposed to it. I hope not though. Major diet changes!
Presley is doing great. She is so awesome. I love our relationship. We have a lot of cuddle time and she is really anxious for this baby to come. I know she doesn't understand a whole lot, but she is really acting out the whole baby thing. I enjoy our "conversations" that we have. Her understanding is just growing with leaps and bounds.
I would say my biggest struggle right now is working...sorry! I don't want to complain...but the doctor keeps putting me out on shorter days, and days of work here and there and I just can't wait to stay home. But I have to finish strong at my job. God has truly moved in my life in the scope of my job and I feel I would be dishonoring Him to give up now. In His grace I need to approach each day. It's just a bummer....I want to sooo badly be home...cleaning, cooking, gardening, organizing. Not only that, we have plans for our family, but ultimately things could change on a dime and I can't put my happiness in anything but HIM.