Presley will be 2 1/2 on November 21st. Wow...our little precious baby girl is certainly growing up. She is awesome. She is FULL of personality. She loves music, princess stuff, dresses, make-up...but she also loves to get dirty. She is a messy eater. She likes to do crafts at the table. Sometimes if I have left a cooking show on, I will walk in the living room, and catch her with her feet propped up, lounging on her kid chair watching the show! She does know what she wants and while Terry and I can usually easily wrangle her in, she definitely would happily be the boss in this house if we let her. She is getting better at playing with other kids, sharing her toys and the give and take. She sometimes struggles when other kids don't want to play what she wants, hug her, or hold her hand because she is such a cuddle bug. It's a good lesson to learn that you can't control others! But I love watching her grown inside and out. I am so proud of her!
Trent is 4 months on November 4th. Another WOW. I don't really want to relive how difficult things were from week 2 to 5, but lets just say...that time brought me to bloody knees before Jesus, and as hard as it was, I am thankful for the growth it did in me. Trent is THRIVING! 17.9 pounds, he is in the 96%. He is breastfed, all for one ounce of formula at night before I nurse, so he can take a bottle (which...doesn't really work because he will only take it from me!!). He is a greaaaat sleeper in the sense that I can almost always put him down awake but drowsy and he will put himself to sleep. He wakes up at night around 5-7 hours later to eat but stirs a lot throughout the nigt. Same with daytime. Could still be the reflux or just him. He is a HAPPY baby. This is why I can't wait to put him in his own room (he will share the office with Terry). Only cries when tired, bored or hungry. He is my little cuddle bug too! He smiles all the time. I started him on rice cereal (per doctor) a week and a half before the 4 month mark. The Doctor hopes it will help with the spit up issue...but I think it will help with his hunger issue (he is huge remember??) I was eating a sandwich today and he started crying with big huge tears...I swear it was because he wanted my sandwich!
Terry and I are adjusting well to having two. I don't always appreciate how hard he works, because I am so caught up in how hard I am working with the two kids. I know this is not the best I am praying and working on that! Also, I feel that for myself, a daily devotional and time praying is really important. I see myself frustrated more that I would like, and when I start the day off's almost always a million times better.
One thing that I am seeing is that it's not so much that I have to carve out time for me, as much as I have to rely on the Lord for my joy. I love my kids, I love my husband, I love being home...but without Jesus, for me, it's not enough. What I mean by this is that Terry and I won't always get along, the kids will have their days, but Jesus will never fail. This is what I want to impart to my kids...people are people and they will fail them, including me, but when we put our trust in someone that is consistent, perfect and loves us...that is a sure bet.
Anyway...that is the latest update for the Lu's :)