“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Bit of a Summary of 2 years

It has truly been so, so long since I posted. Much has happened in 2 years. Where to begin?

I lived in stay at home mommy land for 3 years and 1 month. I am absolutely in awe at what God did next. Just as I was really drowning in what felt like failed parenting (not so failed as overwhelmed) endless days of endless clean-up...I was really struggling in the joy. At the end of 2010 I had a bit of a faith crisis that led me to cry out to God for Him to do whatever He wanted. Daddy did the same. We thought for a while we would move to San Francisco and work in an intercity ministry-we help (daddy's on the board for the 2013 year) but didn't move. We struggled with feeling out of place at a church that we had always felt right at home in for a decade. We had all these passions, feelings of being called, burdens for the hurting and lost in the world-yet not much of an outlet or a clear path. So we stayed put. And prayed. And fasted. So in the summer of 2013 we find our selves here:
  • I work for a Church that has an amazing ministry in the form of a preschool and elementary school. I lead worship for both. I teach music and ipads to the preschoolers and do the Christmas and end of the year program and some in between. I work from 8-1230. You both come with me. Trent you are in the Pre-school and surrounded by women who LOVE you to pieces. You grab the hearts of all. Presley you attend the elementary school and you are loved by the teachers as they see your passion, your tender heart that beats strong for what is right, for God, for people, and hurts with those who hurt. 
  • Daddy started a ministry of feet washing, hair cutting and makeovers, music, clothing distribution, prayer tent and a way for our church to be the hands and feet of Jesus...at a soup kitchen here locally. We are continuing to see what God will do with the relationships we are building with those that attend the soup kitchen. Many are on drugs, many are depressed, many fought in our wars, many are lost. I don't make you go. You want to at this point. 
  • We are still at Heritage Christian fellowship, the home church of where so many have surrounded and loved us  and still do. We minister with the high school youth group. You go every wednesday night and play play play with Marley and Blaise. You both seem love it and cant wait to go. I lead worship for highschool and occasionally for main service. 
  • Daddy still works on computers and works so hard for all of us. We love and adore him and thank God for taking care of us through Daddy. 
  • We are getting ready to open our home to Nichole. She is 17 and from China. Presley, you agreed to give up your room for her. I feel like this is answer to prayer when I told God that I wanted to live for him, and share Him with others. It is way more about the ONE than it is about the masses. I pray that Nichole will leave here knowing our amazing God and giving her life to Him. I can't wait to see what God does with our simple willingness to be uncomfortable for the hope that someone else may know Him. 
There are other things going on...but this is a snap shot of where we are today. We do not plan too much, we may be in a whole other place in a year. The most important thing in that the only place we build our home is in the Kingdom of God we work hard, try to live simple and frugal and keep our eyes on the mission TO KNOW GOD AND TO MAKE HIM KNOWN.

With Love,

Summer Days!

July 31, 2013
 Trent, your very best friend Caleb came down from Sacramento to stay with us a bit. You both play so well together. He is a bit more opinionated than you when it comes to what you play, but you are super goofy and just want to giggle and play play play. You are a good match. You often ask about him and I know you miss him.
 Presley, I took this panoramic picture of your room right now. I took it because we just signed up to accept an exchange student from China for 9 months! You are ok with it, but definitely bummed that you will have to give up your room. I admire your openness to what God has for you in your life. You amaze me daily baby girl and I love you.
 Trent, you love art-I actually uploaded the wrong pic. But there is this app that lets you create beautiful artistic trees with the stroke of your fingers and you were just amazed with it. We had a precious time just sitting together on the couch playing it together on a late summer night.
 Daddy gave this to me for our 9th anniversary. Not sure what you think of it Pres. lol. However it is a famous painting and has sentimental value. Back when Daddy and I were dating (I was 19 he, 21) I gave this to him in a card. Just a sweet kiss between two people who love each other.
 This is how you swim in the pool. And this is how you plug your nose. You are such a goofball...love it!
 Exchange students staying with us and Nana. Presley you love being around Chinese people.
 How you both play together.
 I let you paint my nails. You didn't know this but I went in the bathroom and repainted them so that I could keep it on for a few days and you wouldn't know! It's about 3 days later and I still have the sparkle blue and purple nail polish on :) just didn't want to hurt your feelings and take it off...since it was all over the finger tips as well. I love you.
 ABS mouse.com We are working hard at getting you up to 1st grade (private school ) level! I am just one of those mommas who would rather see you taking in the world and playing than at a desk learning. I had no idea we would wind up with me working at a Christian school with free tuition for you! You are amazing and thank-you for helping heal the hurts of my horrible school experience through you! You love learning...and you are eager!
 While we do school, you are learning too.
 And the following pictures is what happens when I try to get you to sleep during the day...
 you are always playing
 and teasing
 it's like you have the energy to supply the whole house!

 Then I said "just pretend for a sec ok?"
 Look who got to stay up late and play old maid with momma!

And Trent...last night was rough. Presley tried to go without a pullup to sleep but didn't make it. Lots of commotion in the middle of the night. You had enough and grabbed your blanket and went to the couch. You look like a teenager here to me!

With Love,