“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Practical update

For all those that keep up with our lives through this blog...this ones for you. Presley is continuing to grow mentally and physically. She smiles all the time and has chuckled a few times...I can't wait to hear her laugh. She loves to lie on her back and grab at the toys that hang from her play gym. She grabs them, and I swear she loves to just take whacks at them and is very delighted when she squeezes them as hard as she can. When she is on her belly, she can almost lift herself up supporting her head on her hands and arms. She loves taking her nightly bath and she is beginning to splash in the bathtub. She likes to stretch her legs all the way to the end of the tub (it's a baby size). She likes to watch her baby Einstein video, play in her vibrating bouncy seat and floor gym. When I make dinner at night I put her in her bouncy vibrating seat up on the counter and she is usually fine the whole time in the kitchen while I make dinner. She also likes going in the excersaucer and even though it's a tad to big I prop her up and she loves it! The other day she grabbed a chopstick of the table when I was holding her....minutes before I told Terry that soon she would be grabbing things off the table and we would have to be careful.

She gets up around 7 everyday eats about every 3 hours with her last feeding at around 9pm just after her bath. She falls asleep right after she eats and goes down in her bassinet at about 9:45. She gets up between 5 and 7 hours later to eat and then goes right back to sleep and another day begins around 7am.

She is a great baby that loves people and is very interested in everything around her. She smiles alot, but she is also showing some stubborn traits...I wonder where she gets that from??? Uncle Henry if you are reading this....I know she will love to hear you sing because she looovvveeess music.

It's really amazing to watch a child grow. As a mother from the moment you see the pink line on the pregnancy test you are amazed at how life is created. I clearly remember the first flutters of Presley moving in my tummy. I remember hearing her heartbeat for the first time. I remember when I delivered her and how fragile and precious she was. It blows me away how amazing and creative God is. There is really no other explanation for the miracle of life other than God does it.

On another note...since there are other things going on in life besides the our baby girl (at least there needs to be) we bought a house and moved a couple miles closer to old town orange and we love it. I mentioned in previous posts how God's fingerprints are all over this miracle. I am going back to work on October 15th. It's really awesome because my Boss has held my job for me for almost half a year. The law only requires them to hold a "like" position for me. Terry continues to work his hinnie off at work. Terry's mom, Elaine and his step dad Steve have been out in California quite a bit for business. Our days usually consist of unpacking, spending time with each other, family and friends, church and we are....blessed.

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