“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Monday, September 17, 2007

She's Talking!

On Saturday Terry, Presley and I went up to our church's high school retreat where I was set to lead worship and we were looking forward to spending time with our awesome highschoolers. In the care on the way up, I had to feed Presley so we pulled over at the bottom of the 18 and I had a Del Taco hamburger for the first time and we all ate in the care at the same time. After Presley was finished nursing Terry was playing with her and she started laughing...pretty much for the first time. And then....she found her voice. At first it was just a little "ahh" then it got louder and louder. She is definitely pulling it from a different place in her throat. Now it's pretty much the only sound she's using.
We were over at a Davese's last night and as Presley was proudly making her new sounds Davese said something along the lines as once little girls begin to talk it never really stops...I think this blog somewhat proves that!

Maybe you have seen the commercial where the dad is driving with his little girl and she is telling this elaborate story. They get home, and he hesitates getting out of the car to go get her because he does not want her to think he's not listening. He carefully gets out, walks around the front of the car and opens her door...and Dad was thankful that she was still talking and she didn't skip a beat even though he was outside the car for a minute!

This is one of the reasons I wanted kids...I would have been happy with a girl or a boy, but God knew what I needed I love having a girl. I can't wait to hear what she thinks about the world. I work with about 50 kids daily and am quite used to "chatter" day in and day out. But now it won't be the chatter of other children, it Will be my own.

I don't know if she is actually trying to convey something to me, or just likes hearing her sounds. I don't really care because I know it will turn into new ways my daughter and I will communicate with each other...and being a daughter myself it might not always be loving communication! It almost feels like Presley and I are creating our own little language between the two of us that is so sweet and special.

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