“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wow...it has been so long since I last blogged. I still check all the blogs I read pretty much daily. I just don't have time to write mine! God has been growing us and blessing us. Our family is in a groove and we are even finding time to garden on the weekends! We are still SUPER busy but God gets us up each morning with new energy and excitement for the day, and puts us to bed at night. Some quick things about how Presley is doing... :) She is 12 months in about a month!!!! What?? If you would have told me at 1 month that we WOULD survive and we would grow to LOVE the new chaos in our life I would have looked at you as if you were cruel to give false hope. But it is so true! What an absolute joy Presley is! Terry and I just like most parents could watch her for hours just asking each other...is there anyon out thre who loves their baby like we do! My parents assure us there are others out there...Presley is about 22 pounds 30 inches. She just started crawling a bit. She is a really happy baby who loves people. She loves, I mean just loves other kids. She says baby (she loves those too) and dog and Mama and Dada somewhere in there and of course her favorite...boogy-boog-ya. How precious are these times. BTW...check out Terry's blog....

1 comment:

Sarah Markley said...

Love you Kathleen. Presley is so adorable. Keep writing - it is good for the soul.

And...I am personal fan of little female embodiments of chaos!