It was August. Hot. Termites were swarming in our condo. When my mom called, I sobbed uncontrollably about the termites and how the association was not going to take care of them. She asked if I was pregnant, and I laughed at her. I had wanted to see the plus sign on the pregnancy test for the past six months...and I was not about to struggle with God another month. It would happen if and when He wanted it to happen...besides I had no right to feel sorry for myself when it had only been six months and tons of other women had been in agony for years over infertility. It was August. I was bloated, more than usual, couldn't stand the taste of my favorite casserole. I wouldn't let myself dare to hope. I took a test, trying to contain the hope that was spilling out of me...staring at the little window. Nothing... "see, I told you, you weren't preg-...wait, is that a line??? I believe it is!" And there it was the little cross I had been waiting to see for so long, even before we started trying. The little two lines I prayed for...even cried to God late at night when I couldn't sleep.
I began to jump up and down talking to my self, laughing then crying saying things like"Thank-you God!" then the next was "this is impossible, maybe its incorrect". I got myself together and began to pray for the child that no other human being on the planet knew I was carrying.
Here we are, about two years later and I just celebrated my baby girl's first birthday. At the end of the day when she was exhausted I held her close and sang to her. I watched her drift off to sleep...and thought of the past years. My upbringing, what has contributed to who I am today, our marriage, the decision to try for a baby, the ups and downs, Christ's faithfulness and though not without pain or heartache, the desires of my heart fulfilled...
Happy birthday Presley. Happy birthday my sweet baby girl.
I began to jump up and down talking to my self, laughing then crying saying things like"Thank-you God!" then the next was "this is impossible, maybe its incorrect". I got myself together and began to pray for the child that no other human being on the planet knew I was carrying.
Here we are, about two years later and I just celebrated my baby girl's first birthday. At the end of the day when she was exhausted I held her close and sang to her. I watched her drift off to sleep...and thought of the past years. My upbringing, what has contributed to who I am today, our marriage, the decision to try for a baby, the ups and downs, Christ's faithfulness and though not without pain or heartache, the desires of my heart fulfilled...
Happy birthday Presley. Happy birthday my sweet baby girl.
Aw, Happy Birthday sweet Presley. You are so loved!
Thanks Shelley! You know, I was just reading your blog and decided to check out the very beginning where it talks about you adopting Charolette. I was in tears! How precious is the gift that your family has given Charlette. She is such a ball of sunshine, infact both girls are! You are a great mother!
Beautiful and I love the new setup!
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