“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Mirror

Those of you who check this blog for updates and pictures...this will bore you-consider yourself warned.

She is watching me: So we switched her seat around so that now she is facing front. I realized after a couple days she just sits there and stares at me. I could see her in my rear view mirror...just staring at me, mouth open. I would turn around and she would be just tickled. She probably is just awed that "this is what mom's been doing all my life when we are driving somewhere". But it hit me one day...that my daughter is watching me. Forget the things I will tell her. Who cares about the lessons I want her to learn...or the mistakes I don't want her to make that I did...or the bad things about me I don't want her to inherit.

She will learn the most by my example.

My most deepest desire above all for my daughter (that bleeds into EVERY area of her life) is that she will see Christ as the center of her life. That when she goes through hard times-and she will- that nothing will separate her from the love God has for her. That she will turn to Him when she is sad, scared, lonely, hurt-but also when she is in happy times of her life too.

I can take her to church. Our family can builds deep friendships with those who feel how I do. I can pray for her all her life morning and night. I can put bible versus around the home so that she sees them and is reminded. And while all those things are worthy of doing....it will be meaningless if her mother does not live it herself.


Anonymous said...

Amen Kathleen...
"Preach always, use words when necessary"
St. Francis of Assisi...

(I think we are going there on our trip!!)

Kathleen said...

Davese, you have no idea how much you have set that example for me! You have said so many wise things to me...but truly it is how you have been as a wife, and mothered your kids that has made the greatest impact!

Anonymous said...



Sarah Markley said...

great post, kathleen! i totally agree. =)