Well, well...and one more...well. So much for journaling this pregnancy huh? I feel like baby Trent is already getting the short end of the stick! Well lets start with the complaints so the good stuff looks real good :). Plantar Fasciitis! What that means to me??!!! PAINFUL ARCHES, HEELS, TOES, CALVES. Truly...can't stand for more than a couple minutes without stabbing pain. Even after laying down all night, my feet kill in the morning. It has gotten in the way of cleaning, bending, walking...blah blah blah. Just frustratin when you can't do the housework and get things done!
Baby kicks. Oh they were so cute with Presley. I would lay down for an hour just feeling the baby move. NOW I SHUDDER WHEN THE BABY WAKES UP TO MOVE. To those who defend "no gender difference"...all I can say is "Tell that to my cervix!". It truly feels like he is kick boxing in my uterus and it is truly painful...however it is way worse when he doesn't move for a while and I get worried.
I think I will stop with those complaints...I wouldn't want anyone to think any amount of discomfort of pain is more than worth it for a healthy little baby. I just happen to be one of those people, that after I bore you with my complaints...ahhh...I feel much better after wards.
Moving on...Presley is turning 2 on Thursday. I can't believe that she really does age! The newborn stage is so long...but once she started walking and talking it feels like she's slipping out of my hands...oh but there it is. She is slipping out of the hands that I hold onto her so tightly with. I hate the balance that a mother needs to walk...your supposed to protect, teach, love, encourage, comfort, discipline and BOND-with open hands. I can only wrap my (swollen due to pregnancy) hands tightly around Jesus. It's not like He said it would be easy.
So this is where I am...just like every other mother that loves her babies more that life. I also feel like we are in the calm before the storm. This time I have some idea of how to prepare for the storm. The storm of labor...breastfeeding an infant every two to three hours (I will not wake that baby at three hours on the dot in the middle of the night this time!) needing so much from a husband who has already given more than he can...how will Presley handle the baby? Will I feel devastated at the time I can't spend with her? Will she feel left out? But just like He has carried me so for...he will carry me, us, again.
There is one last thing...Terry. Terry has been my rock in the last 8 months. My heart breaks for women who don't have a husband they can rely and count on from everything to support with children to finances (assuming the wife is pulling her weight as well!). Countless times of "Can you do this?" "I didn't get a chance to do that". He gets up in the middle of the night with Presley ALL the time. He sleeps on a twin bed on the floor so I can have the queen, he works hard at his job, he cooks, he cleans, he does laundry, he picks up Presley, he hugs me and tells me thank-you for carrying this baby. He waits for me to finish babbling on the phone...he cuddles with me (and HE HATES to cuddle) The bible says that he is supposed to love me as christ loves the church...and he does. He has longsuffered with me, and showed patience when I was difficult, and he sacrifices so much of what he wants for me. I adore him more everyday.
Ok...this post was ALL OVER THE PLACE...just like a journal should be :)
Happy birthday Presley! Maybe I will have my baby on her birthday. We shall see. I will pray that Presley will adjust well to baby brother. I think she will be a good little mommy to him. God will get you through.
You will find the strength to balance it all. Presley will love her baby brother. You WILL feel like you don't have enough time to balance it all but just take deep breathes and be paitent and take each day as it comes. It will all fall into place for your new family of 4! Love them ALL each and every day with all your heart.
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