My last blog post was 4 weeks ago. SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED. Trent was born on July 4 and 5:12 in the morning. The coolest thing about his birthday is that he shares it with our Pastor, who has been a second father to me. Of course, fourth of July is cool too.
WOW. Well??? I completely underestimated how hard it is with TWO. Trent in the first 8 days was ANGEL BABY. Slept all the time. I remember our neighbor jokingly saying to me, careful they fool you for the first two weeks (she has three). First of all after labor I was great until I couldn't stop bleeding. That threw me a bit, never been so weak in my life. When we got home I got a UTI which was frustrating. But the hardest part has been, once my milk came in and got established around the 8the day or so...Trent took a turn for the COLICKY behavior of sorts. After three times to the doctor, and visits to lactation nurses...we have found ourselves at the exact same place with our daughter. A reflux baby with a mommy that has an overactive letdown and WAY TOO MUCH MILK (a good delima I know) equals super gassy baby with reflux. Thank-God we got this under somewhat control sometime this past week because we knew what we were dealing with. Now I only feed from one side at every feeding and Trent is on a high dose of zantac. He now goes in a swing, the bouncy seat and is muh more comfortable. Thank the Lord for all who were praying.
One thing I did not expect was to be so blue again. I thought that me being a second time mom, I would not be so overwhelmed like I was with the first, that I wouldn't have the emotional hormonal upset I had like I did with Presley. But I did, and I am. BUT that is more that ok. God is once again painfully teaching me that HE IS MY ROCK. I believe he lead me to this scripture this morning:
I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
When the Devil is at our "door step" waiting for the moment to pounce on Christians we must remember our promise from God. These exact words are what I needed to hear and God knew it. I have grown more closer to my husband in appreciation and gratitude than ever before. My mother and I have had healing in our relationship as well. So much good has come out of it already. I know that just like with Presley, the blues and the difficult stage of newborn baby will pass. In a few weeks, I will be looking back at this time that is one of the hardest in my life with a bigger sense of who God is. I have so much to praise God for on top of just the fact that he IS. And I do.
Thank-you Lord for your unfailing love. Your faithfulness I cling to. I can not live without you as the most important thing in my life. We are so low, so helpless but you are so gracious, merciful and kind. Thank-you for protecting us from the devourer.
Love you......... dg
Blessed by your struggles. The Lord will see you through.
That Ps is Maddie's scripture that the Lord gave both Joey and I while she was still in the hospital. It is amazing and I still quote it to her often. She has most of it memorized now. I will continue to pray for the Lord to give you wisdom as you work with two!
Love you sister.
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