“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Afraid to "Forget the music"

There I was, 6 years old crying behind a large chair at my first piano recital. I had just been escorted of the "stage" at the retirement home that we were performing at. I was escorted off because I had missed the piano and sat at the organ, then frozen solid with embarrassment when I finaly sat at the right instrument, I couldn't remember the music! I tried one time, then two times, a third...I kept playing the same chord. Eventually my teacher came and gently took my hand and walked me off the stage. So I sat behind the chair, crying and so embarrassed... In 3 days I will do something I have been so afraid to do for a very long time. I have been more than happy to do it for the women's ministries but for some reason, terrified of the "general public". I will lead worship for our church. I will stand there, guitar in hand, and lead my beloved brother's and sister's in worship to our king...yet I am loosing sleep and I have a pit in my stomach that will not be lifted until this is over. You see, after Presley was born, me and God had a conversation. I can tell Presley ALL I want until I am blue in the face to trust in the Lord when she is persecuted, to stand firm in the things of God, to not be afraid in the face of fear...BUT I CAN'T SING A FEW SONGS IN FRONT OF CHRISTANS! So I told Jesus that if they asked me again that I would at least do it once. At least once. So they asked, once for the married couples study and they asked once for Sunday morning. So on this Mother's day, I am so grateful to be a mother. I am so honored to have been asked. Though I am afraid, I will put that aside, my pride, my fear of "forgetting the music" and make a baby step in setting the example for my daughter that I want her to follow...be strong and of good courage.


Sarah Markley said...

You can do it! I love it when you lead worship! I am so excited =)

tiffsblog said...

What a blessing sister. He'll never ask you to do something He didn't already know you couldn't do. Especially since with Him all things are possible!
Praying for you girl!

Kathleen said...

thanks guys! You are right Tiffany...thanks for the encouragement.

The Rainbow Jen said...

For the record, you were fantastic, Kathleen. Way to step out in faith!