Very handsome huh???

That is all for now...a sincere thanks for your support!
Thank-you Terry for giving me your old cell phone...I feel so IT like.
I attached a few pictures of Presley...most of them capture Mommy and baby time. Some precious moments are bath time, nursing when she wakes and goes to sleep, rolling around in the bed with mom and dad just before she goes to bed, walks in her little car, playing with cousins and being with us.
Some practical updates: She is now 13 months...crazy I know. Her milk allergy has mostly gone away so we are weaning her now. But she pretty much eats what we eat. She refuses baby food when she sees us eating something else. Apparently she is terrified of the bath tub. She loves babies, looking for pictures of them everywhere. She says a few words: Mama, Dada, baby, ball, dog or wowo, flower,baloon (she tries) so they sound more like flowy and bloon. She also mimics alot...and I think she understands alot too. Its getting hot here, so she mainly wears these cute little fancy onesies with a dress over the front. She has been sleeping in her own crib since she was about 4 months old (thanks again Shelly!) and sleeps from 8 to 7:30am. She has been going through this separation anxiety where she wakes up at night or early in the morning and has a hard time going down for naps. We have tried EVERYTHING since she was born (remember she the catnapping baby!). We do a mix of rocking, singing, crying it out...depends on her needs at the time. She is a very happy baby, but VERY strong willed. She is really showing determination and dominance. For example, if a cousin tries to take a toy, she screams and holds on to it. The problem is, in the church nursery, she grabs the toys from the other kids...oh boy.
Things are good, we are all super busy. Presley's Auntie Satoko still watches Presley during the day for about 6 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. Terry and I are doing good and we are more times than not acting as a productive team. When we have long hard days, instead of taking it out on each other,we console each other! Who would have known that is much better!!
God has blessed me with great supportive staff at my work and kids that are great. We are right in the middle of summer program where we go on field trips and the workload doubles...but again God has blessed me. When things get hard, and they do when the balls start to drop, I am reminded quickly that it could be worse, so suck it up appreciate what you have and persevere and move on...after all I have MUCH to be grateful for.
That is all for now...a sincere thanks for your support!
1 comment:
I love the photos (especially the one where most of you are cut out - does Terry need lessons in self-portrait taking?).
Thank you for coming over the other night. We love you three so much!
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