It has been about a month since I last posted anything. Yet it feels like two weeks. A lot has happened. I finished another summer, and started another fall with the YMCA. Presley started walking...then running within a week. I stopped nursing the last feeding I was hanging onto. Did you hear me say that??? Hey, I have always been known for transperency, good or bad. I am feeling so overwhelemed with how fast life is going, how much work is taking from me, how quickly Presley went from baby to toddler that I feel like I can't breathe at times. Then I realize how selfish I am being and snap out of it...
So I need to get back to the basics. The reality is that when I realize that I am grounded in Jesus, none of this matters. Jobs come and go, children grow up and leave to build their own...but Jesus is my constant.
love you kathleen....
Jesus is your focus..
the wig one is soo funny. =)
Hi Kate - I cannot believe this is the little baby that was just born yesterday. And what a cute little ham.
I know what you mean about being "overwhelmed" and thank you for your your kind note, words of encouragement and generous offer of help.
I think we're good to go this week but if I need to take you up on that, it's nice to know there are options.
Blessings to you and your family.
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