Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Back from the dead
So here I am in the golden age of pregnancy and back from the dead.
Monday, December 22, 2008
However, I can with all confidence say...that time passed (3monts to be exact) Presley and I are bonded like two peas in a pod. In fact I just put her down for a nap, and double took a look at her and for the millionth time couldn't believe that God has blessed me with such joy in being Presley's mother.
So, Sandy asked me last night if I think I will "struggle" in the same way after this baby.
The answer is-no. Now I can't say for absolute sure, but I really don't think so. You see, I went from feeling beautiful and pregnant on cloud nine with a picture perfect pregnancy to when the baby came...feeling fat, leaking milk, in pain up every two hours blah blah blah...you get the picture. This time, it hasn't been a picture perfect pregnancy, I look 6 months pregnant at 12 weeks, I can't wear cute maternity. Also, I know what's coming. Now I know I don't know what it's like with two...but I know childbirth HURTS. I know what a 3rd degree tear is...I know what up every two hours is...I know what acid reflux is...I know its hard. I know that SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK.
And more than anything...I know that my God will be there this time too. My shepard the one who makes me lie down in green pastures and restores my soul will be there as he is now.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Going back to bloggin roots...for me at least.
So of all things to get when your pregnant, a case of vertigo caused by a buildup of fluid in me ears. What the heck??? If you have never had this...try that relay race thing they do at church events where you spin a million times with your forehead on a bat then try and run...Never had this in my life (unless you count my "before I knew Jesus" teenage years, or back in 2003 when I met my soon to be inlaws in Taiwan where everyone drinks scotch at ever meal. Gumbay!)
So yesterday, I had to call Tamara to take me to the doctors because I couldn't drive. So now that I know it's not serious, its kinda funny. I just feel like I have had one too many (doesn't affect my mind though, so no excuses there).
So...In this pregnancy, I want to use this blog to document. Document the good, bad and the ugly...and sometimes funny of pregnancy.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Here we go again!
I am 11 weeks, seen the heartbeat twice and all is well.
I have been out of work since November 14th with severe morning, brunch, noon, tea time and night...oh yeah almost forgot middle of the night sickness. Puking your guts out sickness. I was dehydrated for a while, so doc decided to put me off. I am feeling a little better now. Whatever it takes to keep baby healthy right???
By the way...I am now convinced that God gave me everything I needed in a husband. I can't imagine my life without him.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A Journal Entry

Well...that is what this post will be. Most likely read only by a few but to me it adds to the online journaling of the last year and a half. My memories on paper.
My heart bears a burden. This burden is birthed out of the deep bonded love between mother and child. Being a mother has, for me, offered completion. It has brought to life something deep inside of me to. I love my daughter more than my own life and she brings me pure joy. But this amazing relationship comes with a hefty price.
A BURDEN for a lifetime.
What makes it a burden will change over the years. Right now I worry when she is not with me, and even worry when she is (although I do feel more confident then in the beginning when I wondered how I was keeping this little tiny person alive!!) From the beginning I have always asked God to be gentle with my "mother's heart", that if and when it gets broken that he would put it back together.
Two weekends ago I was mopping the floor. I was going through a time where I felt like Presley didn't need me anymore (I also underestimated the power of changing hormones!!!). Presley hardly noticed/cared that her Mama wasn't coming with her when her Daddy and her were going to the market.
That was a first.
When they left I cried so hard that tears were actually falling to the floor (little dramatic huh?). In that small taste of what will come, I threw my heart into the Lord. For all of us, it will end face to face with the Lord. It really comes right back to the FACT that if all things pass away, if I were to lose everything....I will ALWAYS have Jesus, God in the flesh.
He is my lifeline. He is my all in all. He is.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Life is going by so fast

Friday, August 29, 2008
Irvine Park
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Presley Summer Pictures...
She loves purses...or anything she can slip on her arm and pretent is a purse.
Monday, August 4, 2008
How I fell in love with football and the Packers...
When I married my amazing husband one summer in July(truly not just saying that) I quickly realized I would be a very LOOONNNEELLLY woman every Monday night and sometime Thursday...and sometime Sunday right after church from preseason in August to the Superbowl in February.
Not only did Terry love football, he loved the packers, and not only did he love the packers...he loved Brett Favre. Favre meant something to him. A man who married his high school sweet heart and still married to her! He battled addiction, had his ups and down, but NEVER missed a game. Terry identified with his work ethic and it seems to me, that he was encouraged by this.
So I had 2 choices. put Terry in the middle between his love for Football and me?? That would never work. He would secretly resent me. I decided one day, a truly calculated decision, I chose to join him in his love for Football.
It wasn't easy at first. So many questions, and Terry knows SO MUCH about the game, but I could tell he was growing tired of my constant asking. The season I chose to fall in love, was not a good one for the Packers....so it was a bit of a struggle. But by Thanksgiving I was laying on the couch by myself as the rest of the family finished feasting watching not one game but two!
So there it began. I began to love the feeling of fall when the new season comes around. The air begins to cool, time to wear sweaters and comfy coats, the Holidays approaching...and time to watch football. The excitement of each game, the subconscious nail biting because the intensity is so great. I didn't realize it at first, but on Monday nights when we have some friends over to watch the games, one night I realized I wasn't in the kitchen with the girls, I was in the living room with the boys. I had fallen in love with football.
Best of all, My husband and I were sharing something together.
What prompts me to write this post is two things: 1. Yesterday was the first game of Preseason
2. Brett Favre was just reinstated to the Packers. 3. Our home is filled with excitement. Excitement for the time we will spend with friends as we open our home to them, the games that will be so fun to watch and to me, the time spent with my husband doing something we love together.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Go Away
Funny thing is, she said it so sweetly.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Who does God say my Daughter is????
We were at Wal-mart. Cruising through the kids isle when a couple walked passed me. Right on the neck of a guy with a shaved head, dirty clothes and equally disturbing girl that was with him...was a swastika. That's right, a swastika.
I stood there with Presley on my hip, shocked.
We live in southern California. My mother is from Scotland, with a Shrek accent and all, my sister in law through my brother is Japanese and my other brother has kids that are a quarter Mexican. I choose to surround myself with people who are not ignorant. While I think minor prejudices somewhat exist in all of us, to truly hate someone you have never met because they are not white...shocks me. Don't they know the history of the "white race"??? Don't they know where they came from???
As the man and woman walk passed me, an awkward unspoken moment happens and I look to my husband. He could really care less. He almost seemed immune. The old saying "I am rubber you are glue, what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you".comes to mind.. He moved here when he was 9 from Taiwan and has encountered people like this all his life...so this is not shocking to him at all.
As they leave, he comes up to me and says "let's go". I walk by his side, my heart just plain grieved.
I wasn't grieved for me. I know people stare at Terry and I sometimes. I have always been proud to have married someone outside my race. I truly assume, if they are thinking anything, its..."how cool is she".
But, after I had Presley this is my second encounter with something like this. So I wasn't grieved for me, I was grieved for my daughter. I was grieved that she may encounter people who judge her just because of what she looks like, even worse hate her. The mother bear in me in visions tearing anyone apart who would possible harm my daughter, or want harm to come to her just because she is half Chinese. But that means I care what they think.
But...I don't want her to be like me, I want her to be like her father. He is so strong in my eyes. He could truly care less. He has more important things to do than think or worry what others think of him. He cares more about what God thinks of him. Again, he cares more about what God thinks of him.
So as I embark on this journey of raising a girl in America that is half white half chinese I ask God for wisdom. I want her to be more concerned with what God thinks of her than what others do. I don't want her to live in fear, or feel inadequate becuse of what some people in the world may say of her. I will raise my daughter not to look to "man" for her worth, but to God who says she is "fearfully and wonderfully" made.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I just want to hold her
But its true...I don't want her to grow up. Honestly, I think that my own relationship with my mother casts a constant shadow on how I think things will be with Presley. Not should be, but will be. My mother and I fought since I can remember. A constant battle of authority. I love my mom, but to this day there are unhealthy aspects that are still there. We have overcome much. The Lord has broken many chains...
I know what the word says, that I am a new creation, that God has a plan for me and my daughter, and our relationship. I know He will restore what the locusts have eaten as the bible says. I truly am comforted in knowing that He knows my heart, that all I can do is keep my eyes on Him, submit my self to Him, and consciously turn away from the unhealthy mother/daughter examples of relationship I have only known...and love her father.
You have entrusted me with a human life. Please mold me into the mother you want me to be. Please mold our relationship into one that pleases you and glorifies you. I know that all I want to hold so tightly could pass away, but You will never leave me.
She is not mine, she is Yours....but while I have her, I want to love her, kiss her, breathe in every ounce of her and hold her as much as she will let me.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
13 month update
That is all for now...a sincere thanks for your support!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
In the toilet
I quickly finish peeing, flush with the foot, turn around, pull up my pants and....OUT GOES MY CELL PHONE RIGHT INTO THE FLUSHING TOILET!!! Before I could even dig my hands in the toilet to retrieve it (I actually tried by the way) it was gone. The suction of that toilet was like an airplane toilet. In two seconds my phone was gone.
I would like to think that God was protecting me from some tragic accident the phone would be the cause of....but Terry isn't buying it.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
My Mirror
She is watching me: So we switched her seat around so that now she is facing front. I realized after a couple days she just sits there and stares at me. I could see her in my rear view mirror...just staring at me, mouth open. I would turn around and she would be just tickled. She probably is just awed that "this is what mom's been doing all my life when we are driving somewhere". But it hit me one day...that my daughter is watching me. Forget the things I will tell her. Who cares about the lessons I want her to learn...or the mistakes I don't want her to make that I did...or the bad things about me I don't want her to inherit.
She will learn the most by my example.
My most deepest desire above all for my daughter (that bleeds into EVERY area of her life) is that she will see Christ as the center of her life. That when she goes through hard times-and she will- that nothing will separate her from the love God has for her. That she will turn to Him when she is sad, scared, lonely, hurt-but also when she is in happy times of her life too.
I can take her to church. Our family can builds deep friendships with those who feel how I do. I can pray for her all her life morning and night. I can put bible versus around the home so that she sees them and is reminded. And while all those things are worthy of doing....it will be meaningless if her mother does not live it herself.