“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

pray, pray please pray

ok...if you are reading this please pray for my work situation. Currently I arrive at work at about 11:30 after spending the morning with presley. Terry usually picks her up and has her home by the time I get home around 6:15. A lot of times I get off early and pick her up myself. well...we are greatly understaffed with not a whole of applicants coming in. As of the 11th I will be convering ALL shifts. 7-8:30 and 11:00-6 with no flexibility. I know God will make a way...but that doesn't mean we escape hard times. I need to trust Him that he knows what he is doing and he certainly knows how this will affect me, and our family.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Same old

When people ask "How are you?" we always say good, great or something like...hanging in there. But I usually answer, "same old, same old". I really want to answer a detailed thorough answer that explains how amazing my daughter is, how precious my husband is to me, how grateful and happy our cozy home welcomes us each evening, how my work situation has worked out nothing short of a miracle, how I love nursing still (and pumping) and how incredible God is to hold this all together. But I usually answer, "same old, same old". Who wants to hear all that??

My life does not need to be action filled to be fullfilling...I am grateful for the way it is.