“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back from the dead

I am officially in the "golden age" of pregnancy. The long awaited 2nd trimester that brings more sleepFUL nights, less trips to the bathroom (until the 3rd trimester that is) and a huge appetite. Still a little green here and there but NOTHING compared to what week 5 to 9 was. Yesterday after a day of whatever I seemed to touch was destroyed (my favorite 9X13 pyrex glass dish exploded in the kitchen) I still had not showered by 4pm. My goal was to have the house in order, the laundry done (or...almost done at least) and me showered with MAKE-UP on for when Terry got home. Mission was accomplished. He looked at me and I could tell he was surprised.

So here I am in the golden age of pregnancy and back from the dead.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It is no secret that like most brand spakin' new mom's, I struggled after Presley was born. After a baby is born, a lot of mothers will say that when they gazed upon their brand new long awaited budle of joy, it was love at first sight. For me, after all the labor and being awake for way too many hours straight pushing a human being out of a very small opening in my body, it was not love at first sight. I was so exhausted I could only muster up enough strength to turn my head to look at Presley across the room. I slept for 10 minutes... and then they were placing the baby in my arms...and there it was! Welcome to motherhood. Feed, change diaper, and it was all up to me to make sure I kept this tiny human being alive. I couldn't believe they were letting me leave the hospital! So I struggled. I even thought to myself "what did I get myself into?".

However, I can with all confidence say...that time passed (3monts to be exact) Presley and I are bonded like two peas in a pod. In fact I just put her down for a nap, and double took a look at her and for the millionth time couldn't believe that God has blessed me with such joy in being Presley's mother.

So, Sandy asked me last night if I think I will "struggle" in the same way after this baby.

The answer is-no. Now I can't say for absolute sure, but I really don't think so. You see, I went from feeling beautiful and pregnant on cloud nine with a picture perfect pregnancy to when the baby came...feeling fat, leaking milk, in pain up every two hours blah blah blah...you get the picture. This time, it hasn't been a picture perfect pregnancy, I look 6 months pregnant at 12 weeks, I can't wear cute maternity. Also, I know what's coming. Now I know I don't know what it's like with two...but I know childbirth HURTS. I know what a 3rd degree tear is...I know what up every two hours is...I know what acid reflux is...I know its hard. I know that SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK.

And more than anything...I know that my God will be there this time too. My shepard the one who makes me lie down in green pastures and restores my soul will be there as he is now.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Going back to bloggin roots...for me at least.

So, when I started this blog at the advice of Sarah Markely to help me deal with postpartum hell...I would throw my feelings into a every other day or so post. With this new pregnancy, I want to do the same (maybe not every other day though).

So of all things to get when your pregnant, a case of vertigo caused by a buildup of fluid in me ears. What the heck??? If you have never had this...try that relay race thing they do at church events where you spin a million times with your forehead on a bat then try and run...Never had this in my life (unless you count my "before I knew Jesus" teenage years, or back in 2003 when I met my soon to be inlaws in Taiwan where everyone drinks scotch at ever meal. Gumbay!)

So yesterday, I had to call Tamara to take me to the doctors because I couldn't drive. So now that I know it's not serious, its kinda funny. I just feel like I have had one too many (doesn't affect my mind though, so no excuses there).

So...In this pregnancy, I want to use this blog to document. Document the good, bad and the ugly...and sometimes funny of pregnancy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Here we go again!

Well...here we go again, with baby number 2! I bet Terry $100 its a BOY...I am so sick with this pregnancy, I have decided it's the alien male sex inside of me (50% chance I will win).

I am 11 weeks, seen the heartbeat twice and all is well.

I have been out of work since November 14th with severe morning, brunch, noon, tea time and night...oh yeah almost forgot middle of the night sickness. Puking your guts out sickness. I was dehydrated for a while, so doc decided to put me off. I am feeling a little better now. Whatever it takes to keep baby healthy right???

By the way...I am now convinced that God gave me everything I needed in a husband. I can't imagine my life without him.