“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.” -Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A bit weary tonight...

I am a bit weary tonight kids. I am questioning my ability to understand God's leading. I fear
that I bit off more than I can chew, I fear I agreed to more of me going to someone else instead of you. I agreed to work. I agreed because I felt God leading me there and thought it would be best for you. And it was a great year. Summer has been wonderful. But at the end of July I agreed to two 13 year old girls living with us for 9 days. That was nice. But then I agreed to having a 17 year old girl live with us for 10 and 1/2 months. I took it on because I thought it was what God was leading me to do. I had been praying about how he would want to use me and how would want to grow US, you and me. Not just me. But now as I wearily kissed you good night after a story for each of you at 10pm on a summer night after youth...I ask, can I keep this up? Yet I will keep going because He causes ALL things to work together for good for those who love him and are called to His purposes! Amen! We can trust Him! So Father work in me...lead me, help me to use my time the way you would...please bless us with your presence!

I have one fear that sits on my shoulders every day...am I wasting precious time with you? I wasted more time when I didn't take you to work with me. I'm sorry. I spent so much time managing the chaos instead of jumping in and enjoying it a bit. Going to work allowed me to jump in. Maybe I need to pull back from youth...clearly I must spend some time in prayer. In His presence, instead of my worries and thought in my head. In His word that grounds me...that's like sanity after a nightmare.

Here are some pictures of the last week :)
 Trent...when you snuggle up to me to watch a show we are not allowed to start until you are all settled and you usually bring a bunch of stuff. Today was an angry bird, nerf gun, transformer and your new lovely bobo the bird.
 National night out for the police dept.

 national night out, free mcdonalds smoothies
 You both getting ready to great Nichole from china
 Mom and Dad got costco cards and went shopping....alone :)
 Amber and Vicky, two exchange students that were with us for 9 days
 Mr Brian loves you and always spends time with you. He let you chill in the sound booth at church and explain stuff to you...
We are reading little house on the prarie!

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